The queen of my heart
I laid beside a quiet
Stream. I dreamed a
Goddess world. I myself
Stood before the queen.

I was out of town to
The loving world. I
Fell in a conspiracy of
Silence with the queen.

The robe, the ring and
The breastplate
Was presented to me.
The queen stood right
By my sight. Beautiful,
Amazing and so adorable.

The rhythmically beat
Beneath my heart.
Turned to be a song,
Such that I felt to
dance with the queen.

Her wonderful look
Blew my vision.
Furthemore, I fell
For her pointed nose.
Her angelic voices
Tipped my audition.

I merely felt a deep
Sweet ache beneath
My heart. Affections
Pulled myself
Hither and tither.

Neither love about
Perfections. But what
I sees in front and
How she looks. Her
Structural body and
Her style. Led my
Mind insane.

She is the queen of
My heart. I started
To muse about her vision.

I salute the smartness
She resembles. I began
To fell for her dreams.
I should give her my
Deepest world beside
The stream. Where our
Love will deeply fell in
Conspicuousness. And my
Heart will encounter the