In the days of joy in my life
In the days of progress in my life
In the days of seeing brightness in my future
You shone, my smile.

They took weapons and stabbed my back
You were my mask, my smile
I needed to put you on for the sake of strength and resilience
To show power to my opponents
I needed you, my smile
You were my victory.

I reached the climax where I dwelt in heartaches,
Lacking faith, facing temptations
There I was, feeling weak
But you reached out for me, my smile
“You need to pull yourself together,” you whispered in my ear.
Even in the battlefield you represented the strength I have
Indeed I relied on you, my smile.

The time I was walking over thorns
You covered the pains
I trusted you for giving me a courageous face to show the universe
I have always been the brave
Because of you, my smile.

The reality disciplined me
I got to see a stronger version of myself
Through you, my smile
You have been a sign of my strength
With you I can never be defeated, nor surrender
My smile.