I strutted my stuff
I walked amongst the dust
I walked amongst the rough
I walked with love

I didn’t care
Because I had a calling
A place to be
A place of love
Where I was touched by others
And they by me
Like a dove

I devoted almost three decades to E. A
I never once wanted to go away
I could have been the principal of that school
Yet in many aspects I was that too

I met many on my way
Young and old
Sat in classrooms
Marking away with a red pen
Until way past the setting of the sun

Sometimes I sat up at night
To finish work
I did it with love
Love for my colleagues
Love for the teachers
Love for the students
Love for my community
Very concerned if a script came back
With marks lower than the sun

I sat and marked away
I loved all of my children
Every day

I hid away the pain
I didn’t want to burden some
With my pain
I refused to burden my family at school
Or at home
I am stronger than whatever had come
Yet my time had come

I watched the clock
I heard every stroke
Before my wave goodbye
I heard the Angels
And the little words
That God had spoke

That morning
I was in a hurry
Walking and speaking to some
Busy as a bee
And no time for me
I knew that things had to be done

But now I must conclude
As the journey like the waves
Hath begun

Don’t cry for me
Because this is what was meant to be
God had spoken to me already
You didn’t know that in my heart
I had already said to all of you goodbye
I didn’t want to burden you then
Nor make you sad
I just want the show to go on
Continue as you have always done
As that will make me glad

To all of the folks from yesteryear
With a little whispered word into your ears
I remember that last ride
With Charl and others in the car
Ek watch vir julle from afar
It’s time for me to move on
As the journey has now begun…