Dear Cali,

I know this will hit you hard, as it is unbelievable.
You had me spellbound again when you told me,
that what I treasured as mine is gone already.
The dig in you which you promised to only give to me, is no more.
It’s quite unbelievable because you seem to joke with the ugliest things.

May I use this medium to tell you that, when you told me, I was sad.
I felt bad, I was down cast, I felt nauseous, I hated myself,
I held myself responsible, I never thought it was your fault,
I never held the blame on you and this caused me pain, sleepless nights,
sorrowful dawns, unhappy mornings, bad afternoons, lonely evenings,
and there goes the cycle all over again.

This trauma was due to nothing other than love,
but it’s so hard to say it, as the thought of it all causes tears on my pillow.
Lake of tears is my swimming pool, tub of tears in my bathroom,
spa of sorrow in my Jacuzzi, all caused by you,
I expected nothing of such but love is unpredictable.
Much love when it’s hard to say.
