I see enmity thru’ my eyes
When I woke up in the morning,
People were laughing to see me alive,
Tears roll through the sight of the eye,
Pain kills me every night when is sleep.

He came back to me with a broken heart
That no one can mend,
He never thought of my tears,
When they were rolling through my face,
When I saw him going to another road,

I woke up thru’ a dream of dead missing
Our world of togetherness,
Days are dark to see him coming,
Mind is dark of thoughts,

Only fear is left to kill me.
I believe that he is neither mine nor ours,
I lost on of my coming dreams,
When I saw him crying with a broken heart next

To my doorstep, I never miss someone the
way he walked back on me,

Tears proved him guilty for seeing me dying
Through a pain he left me with,
He never came back to apologise for me in his dreams,
Has he forgotten about our dreams?

Life has its own leader of pain through dark nights,
Forgive me, forget the pain and have joy.