Success begins with us, success goes
With confidence, confidence comes
From taking risks and facing challenges
That scares us.

I want to succeed, I believe I can
Succeed because in order to succeed
I must first believe that I can, I believe
I can.

I believe that I can, I have goals and
I have plans. How can you have a
Goal without a plan?
How can you have a goal without
A plan?

That, is a wish
I am not dreaming about success,
I am working for it. My path is unique,
I see the beauty in it, I uncover my fears,
I discover my strengths and I know

I want to succeed, I believe I can succeed,
As a matter of fact, I avoid the trap of trying
To make things perfect because perfect is a
Seven letter word that shouldn’t even exist,
Because it’s not real.

I want to succeed, I believe I can succeed
Because success begins with two beliefs
The future can be better than the present,
And I have the power to make it so.

I want to succeed, I believe I can succeed
And if I can, you can, hence that makes all
Of us believe that we can .Therefore we
Must succeed.
It All Begins with Us.