From the morning till the breaking of a new day
Abba is watching over us
An ancient trilogy
Past, present, future
God has been from everlasting to everlasting
He that is uncreated
He that mind cannot fathom
But he who is the ancient of days
The blessed God
A father to the nations
A redeemer, a saviour
He is able to do it again and again
In his heart
He found a reason for this story
God is love
The source of all good things
What eye has not seen
Nor ear heard
What has not entered into the heart of man
The things God has prepared for those who love him
Age to age the same
And time is in his hands
Beginning and the end
How great is our God
And all knees shall bow
To the glory of his name
Alpha Omega
Nobody like you
Nobody like you
Be blessed Abba