South Africa, there’s no other place like this
Here we overcame all fears
And built a country, so rich and diverse
Together, we grew stronger over the years
Even when we fall remarkably
Down into the deep, big hole in Kimberley
We will ascend like the fountains
To the top of the uKhahlamba Mountains
We are as resilient as our Protea flowers
And as sacred as our Springboks
Our minds have great powers
To think of bright ideas and plans outside the box
Where we enjoy going to the beaches
With our loving families and helping hands
And dive in to witness the sea creatures;
White sharks, galjoen, dolphins and their friends
The yellowwood tree has stood on our soil for centuries
In a country where heroes were born;
Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Jackson Mthembu and many others
They knew the essentiality of reconciliation amongst our brothers
In Madiba’s words and I quote – “If needs be it is an ideal for which I’m prepared to die”
Those words of commitment echo hope to those lives which are dark and dry
Yet, we believed that tomorrow the sun shall shine
The rain shall fall and everything will be fine
Our families won’t have to fear nor shed a tear
Where we don’t need to worry what men are near
Kids can play in the streets with joy in their hearts
Elders can live in dignity and enjoy playing a deck of cards
A white man who can hold a black women’s hand
And can ask her the question, “Would you like to be my girlfriend?”
When all hope seemed lost, when everything looked void and dark
It took 56 million people to create a South Africa that surely made its mark
It is here where we opened the door to liberation
Where women and children stood up and fought
Risked their lives in the name of a democratic nation
So that a farmer’s boy can become CEO of an International Board
Uit die blou van ons se hemel en uit die diepte van ons see
So strek ons liefde vir mekaar en ons graad van omgee
“Wathint’ Abafazi Wathint’ imbokodo”, our women’s message was clear
That no man can take away their worth nor hurt them through fear
Succulent boerewors, mopani worms and the strong taste of our Zulu beer
Nothing is more lekker than our heritage food
When we braai and our bokke makes us proud to be here
And come together in a cheerful mood
This virus will be a thing of the past
We’ll be dancing in victory and shouting “At last!”
But for now wear your mask, sanitise and be safe
To each South African, behave, don’t dig your own grave
Here is where our African roots lie
In which all of us play a fundamental part
No matter how much the time flies by
South Africa, Suid-Afrika, Iningizimu Afrika, Afrika boroa…
will always have a special place in my heart
Sounds the call to come together and united we shall stand
Let us live and strive for freedom, in South Africa our land.