Six feet under, it is our job to make sure the hole is
No working hours, No overtime
We are constantly reminded watch the work not the time!!!
On Saturdays we get the privilege of wearing formal attire
And we go to funerals
One would swear we live a better life
Gone are those days where we send people “Six Feet Underground”
Funny how seating between brick walls and behind steel doors
For a long time could change a lost soul’s life
Six Feet below surface, now it is our job to make sure the hole is
We don’t have an option, do we my friend?
I knew you would agree with me
Remember, it’s us who didn’t want school
It’s us who used to say teachers hate us,
Hence we ended up quitting school
We had power, we were respected, feared.
That’s all in the past now
But I have nightmares and flashback memories of what I did
My Friend got beaten up for something he did 18 years ago
It’s true what they say when they say, “as long as we are alive
We will always pay for the things we did in the past.”
When just about six feet deep
I sometimes wish my friend would just bury me right then and there.
Sometimes I wish I could just drink alcohol
And since it is said that it kills your brain cells,
So it would kill mine until I don’t remember any part of my past
Nurses deliver babies, No.
Nurses study then decide to specialize in delivering babies
Then all your life you go to academics and graduates
But when you die, it’s us who dig your grave,
We wash, tone and dress your body,
Then we drive you in a hearse and then we bury you,
We never studied for this,
It’s not the life we dreamt of when we were younger, but it’s life
Digging a hole is not easy,
Digging a six feet deep hole is tiring and killing
Some want to be buried on top of their loved ones,
WE dig that hole,
Sometimes we dig on a wrong place,
Not all the time the weather is on our side,
To dig remember we get paid per hole, per body, per job
Six Feet under, now it’s us who make sure the hole is
Love your job, I love mine; I just hate my life.