As I called out for help
No one heard my voice
I went deep into a dark hole
Yet no light shone through

The silent killer has done it again

Depression, you’re so real
You’re taking away many talents
You’ve robbed us of many
How cruel are you?

The silent killer has done it again

Today families are left torn apart
With many unanswered questions
Yet daily someone is facing you

The silent killer has done it again

We try posting our feelings
And we get judged for it
We fight demons no one knows of
We try our best but still fail

Fathers have taught sons that crying
Is not an option, as for mothers
They’ve taught their daughters to
Bear the pain (ukubekezela) it is

Today the silent killer rules
Depression you’ve robbed us
Depression you’ve left many in pain
Depression please let people
Acknowledge your existence

The silent killer has done it again