I want to talk love
You know, thinking about someone is love
Hugging someone is love
Kissing someone is also love
Forget about waving,
Shaking someone’s hand is also love
They are called gestures but they are love
Love will get you a job
Love can get you fired from work
Love gives you friends
Love addicts lose hateful friends
Love makes love addicts workaholics
To sustain their relationships
Love might lead to heedless spending
Love makes sense to lovers
Love will portray you as senseless
Love makes good liars and cheaters.

I’m just talking love
People meet when in love
Relationships have broken for love
Some became pregnant after making love
Others have lost lives for love
Love is dangerous

Love makes you think fast
Love makes you think slow
Love is fun
Love unites
Love pays people
Love robs multitudes
Love is sweet, oh! Sweet love
It is us who fall in love