There’s no cure for this cloud of pain
that’s buried inside me,
It storms and clouds my heart and soul
with flames of anger.

It makes me want to scream and squeeze
all the pus out before I pass out, maybe if
I bleed just a little I can breathe a while longer.

I honestly feel like a stupid shameless child
being ordered to mend a cup after breaking it

My heart is broken into a billion, million pieces,
my mind is stuck and can’t decide which piece to pick up first.

This pain breaks me down and brings me to my knees,
It fills up the streams of my tears in my eyes
and makes me want to cry.
But big boys don’t cry and men aren’t allowed to break.

I couldn’t heal from it because it hides behind my smile,
it is hard to escape because it is my shadow in the dark and
my friend when I’m lonely late at night when the light goes off.