It has been more than two decades since we got our democracy!
We have come so far as a nation,
But there is still a long way to go.
I can see the future is bright but somehow my vision is blurry.
I cannot see clearly.
The hatred we have for one another makes things scary!
Why do we judge homosexual people and keep them locked in the closet?
Why do we treat them as if they are different from us?
Yes she is female!
Yes he is male!
But does that determine their sexuality?
Gender and sexuality are different things, if you look closely.
Why don’t we treat homosexual people as we want to be treated,
Instead of treating them like they don’t belong?
I pray that their suffering won’t be long.
I have seen the differences
And I have had my preferences
But it is time we changed our thinking and face our difficulties
We are all brothers and sisters
And so let us love and accept one another.