Dear City,
The atrocities you have committed are enough for me.
The troubles you have given me, are okay. You have made me realise who I am.
May your woes be yours, from today onwards.

We are separating today.
I believe this letter will reach you in good health, health you have never had before.
Don’t bother about where I will go to.
I am going to my roots, my homeland, my origin.
I’m going home.
I was trying to live up to your recommendation, at my own detriment.
But today, I am re-gaining my freedom.
I know that I’m a 21st century, African boy, with an 18th century mind.
I love my roots, my African dwelling, so peaceful and quiet.
My homeland, so free and communal.
A homogenous relationship is all I want.
A sense of belonging was learned here, but in my home land it is inborn.
I have dropped all your cases of mishaps, pollution, accident, unemployment, insecurity, and low standards of living for your keepers.
I’m going home to my father’s land,
To walk to and fro,
To enjoy my life, and to be free.
Yours, ex-tenant.