Poverty helped me
Poverty is my motivator
Poverty is my inspiration
Poverty is my strength
Yes, poverty paved the way to my success

I was a laughing stock
I was a chatting stock
I was afraid to go in the dark
I was scared to turn back

My dreams seemed impossible
My days seemed unending
My past seemed unforgivable
Now my future is impressive

Poverty! I didn’t use you as an excuse
I didn’t use you to bunk classes
I didn’t use you to commit crime
Although it was hard

I suffered but I succeeded
I learned directions in life
I learned the ups and downs of life
Through thick and thin

Poverty! You instilled wisdom in me
You gave me strength
You inspired me
Yes, you are my motivator

I am who I am today because of you, Poverty
Poverty is my inspiration
Poverty is the mother to success
Indeed poverty is my motivator