Some people know what it’s like to die,
To see your coffin lowered into the ground,
To watch from a distance as your loved ones cry,
To try to speak but you can’t make a sound,
To be stuck in limbo with only your thoughts,
To reminisce about a life unfulfilled,
To feel like one of the have nots,
To watch your killer walk away freely,
To be told to forgive to enter paradise,
To critically examine your existence until the creator is content,
To be in awe because God actually exists,
To see your life in HD,
To sob for every opportunity missed,
To feel trapped in a cell,
To recollect all your past lives,
To hope you don’t get thrown in hell,
To wave goodbye to every worldly desire,
To slowly descend even though you want to climb higher,
To feel the full extent of the devil’s wrath,
And some people don’t,