This can’t be,
This can’t be the end.
When I thought everything everything is gonna turn out perfectly.
And all I feel is nothing.
When I know my body is here,
But my thoughts, feelings and emotions
Aren’t there with me.
When my inner me is not here.
I have to be strong.
And leave past in the past.
And make new memories every day.
Maybe it just happened.
Maybe we were not meant to be.
I was flying,
But now I’m crashing.
My dream ends here.
A life filled with joy and happiness with you,
The dream of us being together and building a family,
My craziness about you,
It all ends here.
This can’t be the end.
It just can’t be, not now.
I feel empty and it shouldn’t be like this.
I just don’t think I’ll ever forget about you.
Or erase our worst and wonderful moments.
This is the worst night of my life,
It’s the worst thing you’ve ever done to me.
Njani undilahle Dlamini?
Mantlane amahle nimyeka njani?
Thixo wam ndingaphila ngapandle kwakhe?
Buyisani untamo wam
Buyisani umzimba wam,
Because I feel so incomplete.
I feel so naked,
So half
And so empty.
I feel cold.
I know I’m incomplete without him.
I know I need him,
Because he is my everything.
No! This can’t be.
It’s not ending yet.
This can’t be the end.
I feel miserable and this is not it.