I have been longing for someone like you,
Even fantasising about the day I would meet you.
Your elegant smile
Your innocent and sensual face
Your wonderful character and
Your amazing human nature

Now that I have found you,
I am not willing to lose you
In fact, I will fight for you just
like Samson fought against the Palestine

I have locked you in my heart,
chained you in my chest and
imprisoned you on my mind, body and soul

Thank God for creating a beautiful creature like you
that would be loved and worshiped by a human like me

Oh! My love, you bring serenity in my mind,
Peace in my soul and
bliss in my heart
God created gaps between my fingers so that someone special like you
could come and fill them by holding my hands forever

People say you’re an ogre but to me you are a prince
People regard you as a peasant but to me you’re a president
Worlds have fought for recognition but to me, you will always be recognised
You never have to fight for spotlight as you’re the centre of attention in my heart, body and soul

Our relationship is like Communism, it will never be accepted whereas it brings peace and tolerance
But even if our love adapts to Capitalism, you and I are free to fly together like doves from heaven

Let’s float together like swans in a river
Never mind the vultures in the wild that want to separate us
From the day we were born, we were twins and
from then, let’s float and fly away together,
My African Soulmate