I’m afraid of you when I see you walking.
I’m afraid of you when you greet me.
I’m afraid of you even when you look my side.
I pee myself when you walk next to me.

Whether you are a boy or a man or gay,
Rich or poor, light skinned or dark skinned
You are a male
Then you are a rapist to me.

Rapist written on their foreheads.
Makhulu I’m scared of you.
Papa I’m scared of you.
Uncle I’m scared of you.
Brother I’m scared of you.

Who am I supposed to run to?
Who should I call my soldier?
Who will stand for me on my lobola?
If I don’t trust you with my life.

You watched me grow.
You washed me when I was dirty.
You changed my nappies.
You took care of me till you just could not wait any longer
I had no clue you were taking care of me
So that you can ruin me
I guess I was just a vegetable to you
You planted me, watered me and cleaned where you planted me.
But when hunger attacked you
You did not hesitate
You ate me.