Maybe I do trust you
Maybe I don’t
Maybe if you never had the guts
To fuck my best friend behind my back
And never confess your sin,
To sell a lie to my soul and never repent
Maybe if your eyes never reflected
The true colours of your heart
And your true intentions
Maybe if you never had the audacity
To fuck your boss, just to swim in his pockets
Maybe if you never stretched the truth
Just to deceive my heart
Maybe I’m just being paranoid
Maybe your heart is not an ocean of secrets and lies
Maybe I’m stuck in these crazy-ass illusions
And the sensation I get from this mixed feeling is not real
Maybe it’s bogus
But too massive to bear
Too mysterious to share with a psychologist
How can I?
How can I forget such infidelities?
Too many disembodied voices are kissing my scanty brain
Maybe I should elude them and listen to the advice,
Maybe my intuition is leading my feelings astray
Maybe these countless questions are dancing inside my soul
Just to plant rage in my intestines.