For nine months you carried me with love, care and peace,
Abortion adverts were at each and every corner,
But you never thought of giving me up,
After I was born you embraced me,
You kept me warm with your tender love and care,
Wangikhulisa ngaphandle ngokubheka emuva,
Noma bekunzima, kulikhuni kodwa wabekezela,
Abantu bekukhuluma kodwa ungabalwisi

Because you are a true woman, you stand your ground,
I liked the feelings of your fingers every time you twinkled my cheek,
I love you more than anything
the way you used to cuddled me,
You are a mother, a teacher and a friend to me,
You are always there when I need you the most
When others walked away you remained
You sacrificed for our love, better lives,
All the pains you went through,
When things were hard you became stronger,
You kept us going and always made it possible
When it seemed impossible…
I’m proud to have you in my life,
I’m happy to call you my mother
That’s why I call you the loving mother