You carried me through the darkness.
I had walked a path with brambles and briars
Hoping I would come out unhurt.
But alas I came out broken, beaten to the core.
With the little pride left in me,
I walked away to nurse my wounds to no avail.
I was too broken, too unwilling to accept
That I needed you to help me heal.
Seventy five years later, I still have you.
You who sacrificed a lot for love.
You who fathered wonderful, loving children.
You who still became a grandfather to our children’s children.
You whose love has not wavered since the day
You vowed to love me till the end.
Now my love my wish is only
That death couldn’t separate us.
Our lights are slowly dimming,
Giving precious light to the young ones.
I pray the Mighty One keeps our separate hearts as one
Till the end of the end.