My deepest love in vain
Feelings locked in an abyss
Thus when I knew
Even days turn day-less

Every day
She was but thine day
To the night and back of days
I offered to day with her days
In the circle of season days
She could always day me
Night of summer came to be day
Night of winter, clouds were but herself
Was heat of the daylight
So in her daylight
I could bask in her cheeks’ light
Which could make the day
Her smiles could turn older nights into days
And her touch could make gold days of mine days

But how come
She went like she came
As strong tides rise in the ocean of my heart
Will she be, but of love
Yes she became
And left again another stronger ocean tide
That has tightly tied me around my heart
And broke me forth into a river of flowing tears
Your fawning beauty
And your obsequious love
You once poured into my arms
That I should take a bath
Still tells me
How the dark nights I’m in
Can turn into daylight
Come back
Turn vain of this love into a fan of love.