Bussin’ wazinn’
Yoh yoh check it
Im terrible incredible
When I leave your wallet and steal your flow I’m a criminal
My mind’s like whisky with a dangerous taste although it’s beautiful
Explicit warning to a hooker
I shout like a shooter

Her ancestors spoke
Looking at me as if she’s broke
Gave her chilli snacks and said I’m more spooky
Airfreshener ngisusu shevu police copies ngathi ngitrim amadevu
Ngibhobhodleyani killed you in the mic benginama gwebu
Flow? Ngiyikremila ya things are sounding familiar
Sawubona my sister ekuseni ukhetha bami uphuthu noma i cereal
Nothing sereous back stabbers while ngiyishlabane bona they gone like previous

ngidread kwilockishi
Dead lock cause ihavoc kwipenis did i give a ssssppppeeeeeecccch shhshhh
Zithanda ukungispaya same-ting abahedeni hating ipraying mentis
Drop a stanza kule beat thole ikhukhumala like testic
The matrix
Domestic flight insangu nefolishi

All fiction mic ubuze ngenza ntoni
Nginxaki on your flesh khuza i bhadi until you saying sorry
ngiyijaha elihamba slowly

Eyi wake him up back pack ngifuna le buck
Forget the debit card brought my dog and told him to bark
Danger zone ukhalela kwiephamarcy
I caused you trauma nge hazardous tone
Plus ngiringa okwesipoki siphisha ipram ekasi

Sgcabha ushwele bani
Sgcabha ushwele bani
Hha khaxa bha

Sharp sengikhona ngiyalibona le lifridge nalesistofu zideala negeji klap ngiyncanywa lepartnership
Pansi askisi lokhu ngibhaza ngishaywayispili lephoni ishibhi
Kokoko of cause nirich uma angibuzi kini amagossips bangibiza ngesheep
Amacrack ow neblackberry tone that they know persono politic
Can you remeber when we first met you never had an interest
I saw you ukuthi awungiboni uma ngingaloboli ngizosala nestress
Ubani eshu umfana wasedubani nami kule mic ngiblindi
Groupies azi ukuthi ngicelebrate ngiyitarget mani
Ngizoyihaya lepoem trigger skwiza nginewashingi ngishodi ngoblomu
Uturned a blind eye on the sky high u in the darkness ngamabomu
Freestyle on the top ngifinye ngosafu bangibize isidomu
Freestyle on the flow dudlu le ngane akuseyo eyami udokotela athi ibhomu