Just so you know
I’m a woman with dreams and rights
I am driven by passion,
Whatever I have was through being
Hardworking and dedicated.

Don’t push me too hard
Just so you know
I was born for big dreams
Never think of me as an alien
I’m a human
I therefore deserve kindness
Not cruelty
I therefore deserve to express my freedom

Just so you know we’re human
Not products to be sold
Not objects to be humiliated
Not puppets to be forced, raped and hurt

Just so you know
We’ve cried far too long
Our silence never meant we enjoyed it
Our silence was a symbol of fear and exploitation.

Just so you know
We need men who’ll take a stand against gender-based violence
We need men who’ll never beat the face of a woman,
We need men who’ll put a ring on it, not provoke and insult women
We’re human and humans deserve more happiness

Just so you know
We say no to human brutality
No exploitation
No violence
Let’s live in harmony