It isn’t heavy
I’m just posing
as is one’s wont

for social media
(is there not socialist media
or are we all satisfied
with our consumerist lot)

I’m just posing
to say thanks
and to show appreciation
for the books donated

courtesy of the CECD
and the Museum of Childhood
they who tirelessly collected
in our first president’s honour

he who said education
is the most powerful
weapon that you can use
to change the world

It isn’t heavy
this box of books
though our burden is

this burden of being
low down on the scale
of literacy and numeracy

(and high up in crime
and the abuse of women
and children too)

out here where we
burn and disrupt schools
and schooling too

(are you schooled
or are you educated)

It isn’t heavy
Though there is
a weighty price
to pay