If not for you
I wouldn’t have known the meaning of love
I wouldn’t have defined true love
If not for you
I wouldn’t have encountered true happiness.

You say it is difficult,
But I wouldn’t have learnt the value of others
I wouldn’t have defined flattering
If not for you
I wouldn’t have measured how deep my love was.

I know it is hard
So difficult to disappoint
But how can I live without love
For you have stolen my heart
And if not for you
I couldn’t have fallen in love

Everything could have gone astray
Will you in my heart stay
With your coming I have mended my broken heart
My love is priceless
Without you I’m nobody’s prince
Please be my princess

I hide my sorrow
And pretend be fit
And you are always fit to be my nurse
To nurse my broken heart

If not for you
I wouldn’t have learnt persistence
I wouldn’t have learnt a lesson
I sit quietly and cry
Hands akimbo and try
For without you
I couldn’t have written this poem.