Why did you dig so much, if
you were going to leave me

Was it necessary for you
to create your own place in my
heart that won’t be replaced
by anyone

I’m very angry at you I don’t
want to speak to you, but
I miss you, I wanna be with

I wish there was a way
I could show you my heart
wherever you are and
find some proof that you have a
special place that won’t be repaired
by anyone

I wish there was a way that
I could be able to meet you and
give you a proper goodbye that
won’t mean I’m leaving you
or you’re leaving me
that will simply mean I’ll miss you.
Only mountains don’t meet
people do.

That means there is and there will always be hope
that I’ll meet you again
everything is possible

Goodbye take care wherever you are
I congratulate those who are able to see you