A beautiful girl with a beautiful heart
breathing through wounds that can’t heal.
You hurt her just a little,
you arouse a thousand wounds in her.
Daughter of the creator of forged weapons,
daughter of the Most High weeping now and again.
She’s got power, she walks in miracles and power.
But now she’s exhausted.
Oh Sovereign One, can’t you see she’s tired already?
Almost every part of her body has been tested.
Yes, the Bread of Life says,
even the young ones can grow weak.
But their strength shall be made new,
they’ll run and be not weary.
For you are here and promised to never leave me.
Yes, sometimes I feel like I’m abandoned.
But whenever I pray I can feel your presence
and everything feels alright in the spiritual realm.
If there was a way for me I’d leave right away.
I know I have goodness but the Bread of Life says
nobody should love their blessings more than they love God.
If there was a way I would take my bed and go to the Bread of Life.
I would, ’cause that’s the only place that makes sense right now.
But now I’m weeping, now I’m tired ,
now my prayer is the sound
of weeping all day, all night long.
When I open my mouth to pray,
tears start running from my eyes.
I sometimes wish I could tell you
that I’m taking my heart back, that I’m worthy to be happy.
the Bread of Life says, deny yourself and live for me.
Well, I should be angry at you for all this,
but I love you even more instead.
I love you with tears in my eyes,
I love you with pain in my heart,
I love you with a heavy mind.
I love with all my suffering.
I’m staying, I’m not leaving though I’m like this.
I know my pain is nothing compared to what you can do.
I see happiness beyond it, no matter how often I feel like this
when you call me, I’ll come running from the still waters.
Oh come north wind, oh come south wind,
come and smell the sweet aroma inside of me.
I’m not leaving, I keep my eyes fixed on you as I walk on water.