Within the short moment I
Knew you, I don’t know how
But we’ve met I’ve shared
My inner part-thoughts,
And you never denied me

You’ve opened your arms and
I saw generosity, and there
I found comfort you really
An emblem and rose of the
Good soil, I am still
Pondering why you so kind
That you even forget the
Blunders of mine? And I
remembered that cleanliness is
Next to Godliness.

I’ve addressed you in that
And you comprehended I
Didn’t mean to hurt you but
To express my sensation.
I know you always offer
A smile wherever I speak
In all conscience;

You’re the sweetness fire
Ball amongst all the bubbles
Gums, my mind-set told
Me that you’re so kind
And humble you’re the
Rose of Sharon, the
Fairest of them all.

The special rnament and
An exquisite sprinkler
Of Acournah-Sirah
An affection, adoration
And devotion friend of mine
And your clemency gave me
Strength to drive forward.
Really I don’t know how to
Say it but let me swallow my