You are like a mirror
When I cry, you cry with me
When I smile, you smile with me.
We share the good and the bad times together.

I spend my life with you
Only because you make me happy
Not because I have to impress you.
I’ll hold you tight,
People who are like you are rare
They are nowhere to be found.

It’s been months but it feels
Like I’ve known you for ages
You’re such an amazing person.

They didn’t want our friendship
They tried to keep us away from each other
But we made it
We jumped from the fences which were
Standing in our way
And fate brought us together.

They won’t give up
Until we are apart
But let them try their luck
They will not succeed
Together we’re a great team
They cannot defeat us

I love you, friend
And I know the reason why they are jealous
Of us
“Kaloku izinja zikhonkotha imoto ehambayo”