How will I know
Whether you’ve passed
Consumed as we are
With grades and the like

How will I know
Since you have been
Reduced to a prison
Factory gang clock-card

By those on the hill
Who see clearer
Than the rest

(must be a charter
Some hallowed writ
A national plan even
That enables them
To know better)

How will I know
As I do not
(only first names
Of neighbours-past
And natives up the street
Only surnames of kinsfolks
From days now gone)

How will iI know
In this new age
Of selfies and selfishness
Twittering and tweeting
Double-speak and i-speak

Is this the way
To build self-esteem
A sense of belonging
(education that great engine
Of personal development
In the vision of our first president)

How will I know
Do you