He was in a relationship with a girl
He loved so much and someone from
A distance would even tell that he and
Her were a good match.

In their relationship they had their own
Ups and downs but beside that they
Overcame those kinds of obstacles.

He was that kind of a gentleman even
If he was angry would never shout or lift
His hand on his woman.

He was a catch because he was handsome
And that gentleman a lady would be lucky to
Have. He cook even cook or do spring cleaning
For his woman when that is necessary.

He loved her best he could and what
He couldn’t at least he tried. But still besides
Those little things he did for his woman he
Was never appreciated.

Just imagine that kind of a man who doesn’t
Drink or even smoke; a man who loved his
Woman more than his friends, the little things
He had done were taken for granted.

Now he had enough, the times are tough so
He had no choice but to let go at least he had
Tried and it doesn’t matter how many times
He had cried back he would not fight but with
Due respect he respects his identity.