Phumla N Sithebe
Pain and suffering is part of our journey on this earth. Giving up
always lurks when we encounter the trials and tribulations in our
lives. But we must never give up because God is still in control.

I tend to watch TV a lot whenever stressed; just to destress.
So one day I happened to watch wrestling and a gentleman caught
my eye, his name is John Cena.

His T-shirt on the back is written “Never give up”.
Now, how many times have we given up? How
many times have we lost blaming others for our sufferings?
What I loved most about John Cena was his enthusiasm.

No matter how hard he was knocked down, he always
managed to rise again. He has motivated me to go on
and never lose hope. Attitude and confidence everything.
So my sister, my brother I may not know what you’re
going through but you must always rise above

You must never give up on your dreams; yes life is hard; no one said
the road to success is easy. No matter how many things you’ve lost;
God is still in control. Friends may leave but he’ll never leave you.

We all have hopes and dreams but we give up on them because we are
scared to fulfil them. There is only one you; so why are you scared of
greatness? In greatness there’s bravery.

Embrace your potential and do the impossible. You owe yourself happiness and success.
Why are you putting others before you? Why do you let them take away
your power? Truth is; people will never take away your power unless you
let them.

They will never use you unless you let them. No matter how
much you have lost; you haven’t lost your destiny. You may be seen
as a failure in the eyes of others; but you are not in the eyes of the Lord.

We all have burdens but they are never too heavy to carry. You may
have lost all hope about your dreams just remember that God
is never early nor too late, but He’s always on time.
Your blessings will never go to someone else.

It’s time to stop the pity party and start doing something about your dreams.
You are entitled for great things. It’s time to rise above hate and stand tall.
It will always be impossible until you do something about it. Always have
a never-say- die attitude and never give up.