When I’m dead
I’ll go to a far country
No whereabouts of mine will be found
No sound of mine will be heard
Nor scent will be smelt
I’ll go to a far country
A peaceful country with no emotions
That will make you doubt the value of life
I’ll go far away
Yet, I’ll leave broken hearts behind
But my heart, soul and body will rest peacefully
There will be those who will remember me by my doings
The sad part is
I’ll never do those things again
My walks will be remembered by many
But my walks will be resting peacefully
My mind will be resting like a sleepy puppy
I can’t wait to go to this far country
Enjoy its pleasurable moment with those who were escalated before
I wonder how they are today
Do they still love like they did before?
Are they still criminals like they were before?
I can’t wait to go to this far country
And enjoy my forever life