You’ve been fighting your whole life
Your shoulders are weak
You’ve been carrying everyone on your little shoulders
They don’t understand how hard you had to work for your position
You were only 15 years old when the world seemed cold
You had to toughen up fast
‘Cause the baby while you were still a baby was on the way
And you couldn’t abort the mission, that wasn’t part of your intentions
You came from a poverty-stricken home
Didn’t quit when everything else was falling apart
You knew it would eventually fall into place
Your mind told you to tie your laces and lift those socks way up
You came from the dust
No one to encourage you, so you dug up the courage within
Tata Madiba said education is the key to success
So you got educated ‘cause you really needed that key
You fought for that key
They didn’t give you the name Nompumelelo by mistake
You owned it by grabbing hold of that success key
When you lost your job
I know there was a time you prayed for a saviour
Giving up and suicide felt like options
But God came through and gave you a lifeline
You made it Mama
It’s time to reap the rewards
Everybody that doubted you wants a sit at your table
Mpumi, don’t hold grudges
Give them some of your humble pie
And dry your eyes, Mama