Fist fighting the thin air,
that is so innocent and blur.
Feeling like a maniac,
when your world is absurd and black,
that’s when you realise that depression is a world.

It gentle tucks you in its cocoon,
and drugs only make you feel cool,
only for a jiff though,
but inside you still feel lost and developed,
that’s when you realise that depression is a world.

You can’t break free from its chains,
you get used to the pain,
but you never get numb from this pain,
then you realise depression is a world.

You always feel alone and lost,
sleeping and crying are your two best friends.
You long to be caressed by soft hands,
and long to hear a sweet voice,
which will tell you that you are not alone.
A voice which will tell you that you are stronger than a stallion,
but then you realise that depression is a world,
and you are all alone.

You always try to break free from this sorrow and grief,
happiness is only brief,
happiness is a foreign word to you,
you don’t even believe that the sky is blue,
because you have realized that depression is your world.

Suicidal thoughts flood your mind,
thinking of cutting yourself,
because you have become addicted to pain,
crying yourself to sleep is the only thing that makes you feel sane,
because your world has never been the same,
just because you have realized that depression is your world