If you want me to bow down to the floor
I will stand still on my feet
Shoulders back, my hands to the side
Like a soldier ready to march to war

I will salute you,
Like a soldier who is practising
Marching before the war.
I will fight for my country
And show that it’s not alone,
It has someone who cares
For its presence and existence.

I will love and not hate
I will show it that
I cast my care upon it
For it has cast its care
And love upon me
By being my loving and strong space
That I can look up to
In every circumstance that I face

I will show my love for it by
Sharing love with others in being
Joyful, courageous, strong, caring,
Accepting of who they are
By showing its beauty,
That beauty is not vain
It’s true.

I will show it
By showing true love
That it doesn’t come
From the air or anywhere
But from the heart!

So dear life, can’t you see
That I am stronger than
You think
Because I am a fighter
And I have fought many
Wars and had survived all
Of them without any mark
On my body.
And will fight till the end.