I go through a lot
But I can always
Keep up

I go through everything
Sometimes on my other hemisphere,
I wish death
Then the other reminds me of smiling

It blows over in minutes
Just to think I am a world treasure
There’s substitution for me
Nobody can replace me

No one to do what I have planned
I always say God had a purpose in creating me

Why would I give it a hand to remove me when
I know I have no authority to do that

God gives and takes
He knows my capabilities
No wonder I am the light
Through my path

The aisle I know
I can pass on
Even if it’s hard
I just laugh
Try and fail

I do not fail
Without trying
I smile even through
My deepest sorrows

Sharing can make you feel better
But smiling can heal you
In any way I smile

Smiling is infectious
It also heal
I was cured by smiling
Until today nobody knew about my sorrows
Because I talk alone in the evening and
Find an answer to the questions

In the morning
I smile because
God has a purpose for everything