Homeless with no one to turn to,
Empty vessels speak louder,
Humming the morning sounds of the chicken
Proclaiming the fascination of the end of darker days
You’ve always been around, but you might be forgotten
Wind blowing from every angle might be the reason
Self searching might be the season
The bride to escape with white roses
Forget about the first dance, for she’s no longer interested
The quick step will remain in our imagination
Salvation will forever live.

Take off those high heels because this is a marathon
The race began the day you first liked my status
Filtered, but to me it was a stop sign.
Just stay because you promised me the world
You say no, but your eyes are telling a different story,
If you say yes, I might be your day dream,
Take my word, one day you’ll be mine
If you ask me, this is all a lie
The truth is, I’m interested in one night stand
Truth to be told, you’re the trepidation I’ve been waiting for
Jesus I think I’m saying too much
I’m puzzled because some of the things may be true
Fact remains, I never stopped loving you
Don’t be mad, I’m running in circles
Just emptiness has been occupying my mind,
Carelessness ruined my life
Belonging, sacrifice, homelessness, bitterness, happiness
Let’s guess which one describes you.