I found you lying in the street
Like footsteps and picked you
Up like a treasure

I found you with a primitive
Life but my hands washed your
Life with a fancy life

I found you all covered with mud
Of blindness about what happiness is
But I picked you up and dressed
Your life with joy like clothes

Now, your mind has forgotten
Everything that I fed you like
A newly born baby

Your eyes sees me as if I am
Abusing your life by telling
You to work hard at school

You now tell your friends that
I am the definition of cruelty
And now every dog that I pass
In the street barks at me

My sadness is now your source of
Happiness for when your mouth
Whispers about me, your heart
Smiles like a sunrise

As I go to sleep like a sunset behind
The mountains, my mind still regretting
Every second I spent decorating your

Now my life believes that not all days
Are sweeter like honey and glitter
Like gold