Praise the triumphs of the forgotten.
Hail the privileges of the office,
Often the helpless are taken for granted.
Offered and sponsored, misused and forgotten,
Still I wait, broke.

The weight of my labour can never be mistaken,
My gifts taken with promises of redemptive emancipation.
Still, I search for my treasure,
For Heaven’s Sake, the Pyramids of Giza cannot
Wait to teach its overwhelming lesson.
I learn,
But still I wait, broke.

The conventions of our heroes
Are followed with bitterness,
The dark omen of our people?
Crawling into the wilderness,
The concrete jungle keeps from
Us the biggest secret of all,
Disguised with the mask of universal Ubuntu.
Pride erodes as the very spine
Of my soul is borrowed, never returned, nothing earned.
As I wait patiently for forever to end

Will I always be broke?
I write for answers, we work for answers,
But for now,
I Still wait, broke.