I don’t know if they’re blessings,
fate, luck or just the way it’s supposed to be
I had already or am at a point
of giving up on that dream

Now it seems things are falling into place
But I’m worried that ungaphinde udlale ngenqondo yam
okanye umama wakho angandithandi

Kaloku khange ndifunwe nguwe,
andafunwa ngumama wakho
and I thought it was over,
but my heart told a different story

It is said ‘if it’s bound to happen then it will’.
We once thought that there isn’t a doubt
that you and me are meant to be.

Your eyes have finally found light
You have found what you’ve been looking for
and all the attributes of a beautiful woman
And me – my prince.

After all it was worth my efforts
and patience – the long wait
I’m happy to be in your life
Soon there will be more to celebrate
These are blessings