We shall, we shall!
We shall be grateful for the graciousness of the Lord.

We were purposely created but there came a traitor
He made our bodies his treasure but the traitor made it trash

We were told the truth and we were taught the truth
But there came a deceiver who led us to tragedy
We had hope but he dug a hole for us
We were anxious about heaven but he made hell a favourable place
He is omniscient but a carnivore came to eat everything
Obrigador is there for us; an ogre is there for the deceived

We were taught to persist but he gave us pressure
We lived in peace but price and pride came to change that
God gave us promises but he provoked us.
Faith was our daily bread but he gave us fake idols
The future was bright for us but fame bribed us
We had good friendship with God but he fried it to darken
Why are we so deceived with nothing?