They say that you are merciful and loving…
I am told that you are omnipotent, and omnipresent…
Today a thought gives me no sleep at night…
You have the ability to exchange seasons if you like…
You have the ability to make the effect of gravity an upward force…
Yet you made humans, a mirror image of you…
To suffer and hate each other instead of loving one another…
I would understand if you made hatred right send love wrong…
You said in your word you seek for all men…
To come to the knowledge of the truth…
I pose not to question you…
I am just wondering how it would have been…
That you had not let the first scene of deception take place…
I mean after all, people say god is love …
You said in your word…
Without him nothing that was made was made…
Sin was made…
As there is nothing that pops up out of the blue…
Could it have been possible for a world with no sin…?
For us to live in joy and happiness…
With merriment and laughter…
Are you not a god that can do all things?
I know you are…
I would sell my soul for such to happen…
Yet as you have said in your word…
Not a single word of your word shall fall without being fulfilled …
So I guess me selling my soul is in vain…
Seeing that people who question you are in eternal hell fire…
And so I repent, forgive me…