My days have gone too far and I have made no friends,
I had to go to school by myself; go to the shop by my self
With all these people looking at me
Asking themselves, “Who is this skinny tinny lady with long hair
Always walking by herself on the street, touching her phone?
Is she new or just loving being quiet?”
Then day to go to school has come again
She is all by herself with her bag full of book
And she is on her full uniform
We thought she would walk with us
But she took a taxi when we were all prepared and ready to talk to her
We get to school looking for her
But she was already in the classroom writing her school work, with no doubt
All the teachers like her
And she has been nominated to be a leader of Grade 12A.
It was Monday when all class-reps had to give a speech
During assembly,
That is when we got the chance to see the quiet, skinny lady
Talking, smiling and happy
She talked, when she finished she bowed her head
Showing being thankful for being listened to
Then we clapped our hands