I remember yesterday,
yesterday when we were fighting for freedom.
The blood was all over the ground,
all over the grass, a gory image to other eyes.
I wasn’t there, but you coughed out blood for me.
I recall my granny telling me
about the atmosphere of that time.
Today, power rests in the palms of your hands.
A power to steal from those you brag to have freed.
You feed them nothing but lies,
so they’ll vomit your name in ballot boxes.
My granny swallows your lies
because of how you operated many years ago.
Today you have power,
power to exploit the poor!
Today, you are the impersonation of Botha.
Today you bear an angry nation
because you’ve become nothing
but an empty promise.
Your own people suffer while you sip wine
and dine with the devils of this world.
People voted for the ANC hoping for better livelihoods
but all you did was screw them with poverty.
How happy must you be, ANC?
You promised people houses and better lives
but instead only provided for yourselves.
How cruel and selfish of you, ANC!
You stole from the people, people like
grannies, grandfathers and the youth.
You fool them with food parcels and T-shirts,
just so you can swallow their votes.
After that you go back to your comfy chairs
and sip on expensive drinks in glasses.
You no longer think of your people!
I hate to say this,
but I’m gonna say it anyway:
Cyril Ramaphosa has no plan
on making a difference here.
Unemployment just keeps rising and rising.
Corruption keeps getting worse and worse.
South Africa has become a market,
it has become a playground.
Our president is busy trying to attract
international investors to come to our land
instead of making it a better place to live in.
Your so-called investors only better your pockets,
while your people drown in poor living conditions.
Free housing, education and electricity supply
is nothing but a dream sold to the masses.
Unemployment is darkening
our beautiful land with crime.
Water and sanitation, oh!
Let’s not even go down that road, it’s quite appalling.
Cyril Ramaphosa portrays the ANC as corruption free,
but in honest truth, the ANC is like the mother of corruption,
who tenders only for her belly while her children starve in poverty.
The ANC destroyed Eskom, the ANC destroyed the economy,
the ANC targets old people. And the ANC we knew
rests below the ground with Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.