Can I borrow a kiss from your lips and I promise to return it?
A relationship is just like a kiss it has to be shared in order to be fulfilled.
Light attracts all.
You will have to find someone who will love your darkness.
Who will love your shortcomings and weakness.
That can fly thousands of miles away to take the demons away from you.
To find that unique individual to live without fear in your heart.
Someone who is not afraid to express his heart’s desires.
To feel your dimension-less love without expecting something in return.
Someone willing to let her friends go to be with you.
That person who can take your side without blinking an eye.
You can truly say you are the only one in his heart.
That you can gossip with.
That sharing your life with him is a blessing.
You cannot ever feel it is a burden to be with him.
I may not be able to solve all your problems, but I promise you will not be alone, will you do the same for me ?
I want to read you like a book
I want to enjoy every page of you
I dream to feel you near me
I dream of kissing you, but the Q do you want me?