Dirt by dirt,
Flirt over flirt,
Were my eyes in the memory of her body.

Lip over lip,
Thigh over thigh,
Were the imaginations of my mind
In the memory of her.

To be fair,
I was flirting more than her,
Until she started rubbing her hand on my thigh,
Like the owner’s on pet’s fur.

Heart on heart.
Tongues locked on each other
Like shackles on Nelson’s heels;
We became a mini Robben Island
And my forehead began to sweat.

She stopped me
And asked whether I loved her,
I was too high to say no,
So yes was compulsory.
Damn, I need to recall this,
Come our anniversary.

I leaned forward
And the rest was history.
The picture is clear in mind,
Mona Lisa came to life.

We’re hoping,
We’re singing,
We’re crying,
We’re begging..

…that at least
Will last…