(On the same day, during break time at Nhlambabaloyi High School, the high school is bustling, and Samukelisiwe and Thembani are sitting at the building site. The two students exchange lunchboxes, and Thembani’s eyes light up with excitement when he sees the boiled maize grains.)

Thembani: (Sounding happy.) Amagwadla, my favourite. Samukelisiwe, you have official made my break.

(Shyly smiling, Samukelisiwe opens Thembani’s lunch box, and her beautiful face flashes with pure shyness.)

Samukelisiwe: (Speaking in a shy tone.) Ngiyabonga.

(Thembani leans over and kisses Samukelisiwe’s cheek, and she fondly smiles.)

Samukelisiwe: So, you still haven’t found out where your dad comes from?

Thembani: That’s another story. Umama always brushes me off when I ask, and ubaba ignores me to my face. Nxa, ngimbuza uyathula, nje.

Samukelisiwe: That’s hectic. I do not mean to sound offensive, but there is something off about ubabakho.

Thembani: You can say that again. I mean, he allows umama to push him around.

Samukelisiwe: Luthando, what can we say?

(With an air of empathy, Thembani surreptitiously examines Samukelisiwe as she eats.)

Samukelisiwe: I will join the camp.

Thembani: (Sounding excited.) Really?

Samukelisiwe: Yep. Uhm, tell me, umamakho hates church, so how do you deal with her?

Thembani: (Shrugging.) I take advantage of being the only child.

Tell us: What do you think about Samekelisiwe and Thembani’s friendship?